Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Book Review: Call of the Wild

Call of the Wild by Jack London is a book for those who love to read about the changes a character can go though when they are forced to survive a change of setting. In this story, you tag along on the adventure that Buck, a 140 lbs. St. Bernard mixed Scotish shepard dog, has as he goes from his demesne of Santa Clara Valley, California to the Northlands for the gold rush. You get to see in the mind of Buck when he comes across Alphas, bad owners, the love of man, of course the call to the wild.

Jack London's ability to capivate the readers attention by not really letting you in on the fact that Buck is a dog but in a way give hints. He describes the thoughts of Buck to a  point that you think that Buck is human but then you continue reading and realize he is a dog. Jack describes Bucks ferine side when he is in the brumal climate. Buck meets many antagonist in the story but I think that Jack London makes the main one to be civilization. Buck also looses his person, John Thornton, and he feels morose for the lost but he realizes he is free of all connection to civilization.


The mouse builds,
he hammers and taps,
nails and constructs,
until he gets to his destination,
the cheese on the other side of obstacle.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The responsibility of man

Everybody should be responsible for their actions. The actions of one person could be harmful of others and themselves. The responsibility that they have is something that must be taken seriously because the tolls could be deadly and have negative affects on everything.

 In Titanic, the fault fall on many people. The constructor of the ship for saying that the boat would be unsinkable. The captian for continuing on the path that would lead them to hitting the iceberg. The people for panicing and creating even more of a hazardous job for those who were trying to help.

The Call of the Wild also had many people who could be blamed for the outcome though not all were bad. The responsibility that Buck felt that he had to show that he better for the position of Alpha than Spitz was led to him to kill Spitz and take his spot. The responsibility or lack of Hal and his companions resulted in Buck finding John Thornton and Buck finding love in him.

So what reaction whould be brought about for the actions that were caused because you took your responsibility seriously or not? Would people be hurt or would they be safe? Could your choices of how to go about be life threatening or would they maybe save lives?